Privacy policy

By completing the present form, you consent that your personal data will be collected and processed in the internal register of processing activities, owned by Emeline Esperben Bonjour. This collection and processing of data aim to manage your request or respond to your inquiry.

Data Controller

  • Controller: Emeline Esperben Bonjour
  • Address: Carrer del Torrent de l'Olla, 44, 08012, Barcelona
  • Email:

User Rights

You have the right to access, rectify, limit, object to the processing, or request the deletion of your personal data, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can exercise these rights by written communication, accompanied by a copy of your ID, sent to the postal address mentioned above or by email to the provided address.

Data Conservation and Security

Emeline Esperben Bonjour is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of the collected personal data, by adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorized access, or processing. These data will only be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

No Third-Party Data Transfer

The collected personal data will not be transferred or internationally transferred to third parties, except when necessary to comply with legal obligations or in cases expressly authorized by law.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Emeline Esperben Bonjour reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time, with such modifications becoming effective upon publication on the website It is recommended to periodically review this policy to stay informed about how your personal data is being protected and processed.

Last updated: 2024-02-26